Strategy, Brand Identity, Graphic Design, Photo Direction
Solo, as the spirit of Java and its wonders. Have certain flair on taking their heritage got passed down, from the social structure to tiny details such as Batik or Tenun. Unfortunately, these values are beginning to decline as the younger generations slowly left the old ways. And we're not talking just about Solo, most of the artisan villages in Indonesia did.
So, the owner of Soekirman asked us to visualize on how the heritage can be worn in different ways. We helped them to develop the Brand IDentity to the photographic concept. So our heritage can be as confident as any other pairs of sneakers in every occasion.
Solo sebagai jiwa dari Jawa memang mempunyai daya tarik tersendiri, dari mulai tata krama, hingga pakaian yang dipakai dan siapa yang memakainya. Namun nilai-nilai ini sudah mulai ditinggalkan oleh generasi selanjutnya karena tergerus zaman.
Sekelompok anak muda dari Solo, ingin membuktikan bahwa desa Batik konservatif di Kauman, bisa ditampilkan pada publik untuk lebih baik lagi.
Projek AGNI bekerja sama untuk merancang dari mulai identitas, grafis, hingga arahan konsep foto yang bisa selaras dengan apa yang lampau dan kini.
Some photographs on how people dressed back then in the golden era of Nusantara.
How to revive it within today's preference?
Some photographs on how people dressed back then in the golden era of Nusantara.
How to revive it within today's preference?
A new statement for the Batik Heritage.
Shape and color for logo and typeface in Soekirman selected from nature, art or social conditions that have existed and inspire, from now and then.
In the spirit for preserving the cultural value and also being relevant to upcoming age.
Warna & Huruf untuk Soekirman dipilih dari inspirasi alam, kesenian atau keadaan sosial yang sudah ada, baik sekarang maupun dahulu.
Dalam semangat mempertahankan nilai budaya dan juga relevan dengan zaman yang akan datang.
The word su- or soe-, in older spelling, at the beginning of many Javanese names is a loanword from Sanskrit. This word means “well” or “good”, this is a cognate of Greek εὖ (eu-) (Monier-Williams 1899:1219, s.v. sú).
Humble yet Bold personality on logotype.
Just as like the soekirman real image.
Photo Direction Concept
To be aligned with brand image, we provide the Photo Directions to take on. From what pair to be wore, locations, and gestures. And then compile it with the Graphic Elements for social media.
other projek
SoekirmanIdentity & Direction
Sarvani BhutaniGraphic & Illustration
Matoa RakaiGraphic, Set Design, Sound
MaraseIdentity & Illustration
Preanger Coffee UnionIdentity, Graphic Design
Nastari LivingGraphic Design
Kolektif MarketBranding
Soto SedariVisual Identity & Illustration
Senyum RestaurantVisual Identity, Print
Kamara Spa IndulgenceIdentity, Graphic Design
Hias Karya IndonesiaVisual Identity
Harum Rasa NusantaraIdentity & Illustration Pitch
Projek AGNI is a Branding Artisans based in Nusantara.