Illustrate the karma of All Living Being
Illustrate the karma of All Living Being
Graphic Design, Illustrations
Sarvāṇi Bhūtāni means All Living Beings in Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9, Verse 6. The film was to cite back in Bali 1940, where tiger hunting reached its peak and the entire Balinese Tiger populations declined drastically and eventually extinct.
This film tells us the story about karma and the wrath of nature for humans arrogance. Written by the talented team in FFTV IKJ, the film won official selection in Around Film Festival Amsterdam.
Projek AGNI helps the team to visualize the story into visual identity & illustrations, Press kit, Poster to enlighten the values and film atmosphere.
Sarvāṇi Bhūtāni yang artinya 'Semua Makhluk Hidup' dalam kitab Bhagavad Gita: Bab 9, Ayat 6. Film ini mengisahkan mengenai zaman ketika pemburuan macan Bali mencapai puncaknya pada tahun 1940 dan akhirnya memunahkan seluruh populasi.
Semua terdapat dalam Karma dan amarah alam untuk sifat manusia yang brutal. Ditulis dan digagas oleh sekelompok pemuda berbakat di FFTV IKJ. Dan baru saja memenangkan Official Selection di AFF Amsterdam.
Projek AGNI membantu tim Sarvāṇi Bhūtāni untuk memvisualisasikan cerita kedalam identitas visual dan ilustrasi yang bisa menambah nuansa kedalam Identitas Visual, Poster, Press kit dan lainnya.
Ace Raden Desenasuria
Director - Rama Bayu Aji
DOP - Ace Raden Desenasuria
Producer - Ryandi Pratama
Photoraphy - Gama Nusantara
Director - Rama Bayu Aji
DOP - Ace Raden Desenasuria
Producer - Ryandi Pratama
Photoraphy - Gama Nusantara
Bali, 1940, Sadya (35), an adept sudra (lowest-caste) hunter feels anxious about Putri (22), his Triwangsa (higher-caste) pregnant wife who abruptly behaves like wild animals. Sadya then asks his shaman sister Mbok Ayu (40) to cure Putri.
Following a prior ritual, it is known that Putri has been possessed by animal spirits and can only be cured by confronting the vengeful jungle spirit who sent the curse. The jungle spirit was loathed by Sadya’s avarice that caused the extinction of Balinese tigers.
After a colliding convergence with the jungle spirit, Satya is then cornered and obliged to bargain. The jungle spirit agrees, with an exceptionally taxing price.
Photography by Gama Nusantara
other projek
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Projek AGNI is a Branding Artisans based in Nusantara.