Graphic Design, Illustrations
Nastari Living is a limited housing cluster with Home Grown concept in eastern Bandung, so that the people who live in it can foster a sustainable development / Renovations. Nastari itself means "Sustainable" in an old Sundanese script.
Projek AGNI helps the developer to create promotion collaterals and general design direction.
To bring fresh nuance in housing visual graphics.
Nastari Living adalah kluster perumahan terbatas di Bandung timur dengan konsep rumah tumbuh agar keluarga dapat hidup berkesinambungan. Nama Nastari sendiri berarti 'Keberlangsungan' menurut sastra sunda kuno.
Projek AGNI membantu Nastari dalam merancang konten pariwara serta arahan desain secara umum.
Membawa nafas yang lebih segar untuk perancangan grafis perumahan
Tabo Construct - Contractor
Beej Dev. - Contractor
POT Branding House - Brand Strategy
Tabo Construct - Contractor
Beej Dev. - Contractor
POT Branding House - Brand Strategy
other projek
SoekirmanIdentity & Direction
Sarvani BhutaniGraphic & Illustration
Matoa RakaiGraphic, Set Design, Sound
MaraseIdentity & Illustration
Preanger Coffee UnionIdentity, Graphic Design
Nastari LivingGraphic Design
Kolektif MarketBranding
Soto SedariVisual Identity & Illustration
Senyum RestaurantVisual Identity, Print
Kamara Spa IndulgenceIdentity, Graphic Design
Hias Karya IndonesiaVisual Identity
Harum Rasa NusantaraIdentity & Illustration Pitch
Projek AGNI is a team of Branding Artisans based in Nusantara.
Projek AGNI is a Branding Artisans based in Nusantara.
Projek AGNI is a team of Branding Artisans based in Nusantara.