Harnessing the power of Lunar in a wooden timepiece
Harnessing the Lunar Power in a wooden timepiece
Visual Identity, Naming, Graphic Design
Matoa Rakai is the most novel yet, adopt the classic moon phase watch.
We team up with the in house team and Wordshelf studio to create the campaign concept includes Article Naming, art direction, and graphic design.
Matoa Rakai adalah artikel terbaru dari pionir jam tangan kayu di Indonesia, Matoa.
Kami berkolaborasi dengan tim lintas disiplin untuk menciptakan cerita yang kokoh dalam membawa pesan bulan. Projek AGNI terlibat dalam pemberian nama artikel, grafis, dan juga perancangan properti seni.
Strategist - Nicky Borneo
Art Director - Kresna Dwitomo
Photography - Nara Pratama
Videography -Vee Creative, Erlangga Dimas
Music Scoring - Fahmi Mursyid
Cast: Putri Elgabi, Yori Arsalya
Director of Photography: Datu Aditya
Copywriter - Dian Anggraini
Costume Stylist - Guffy Perdana
Makeup Artist - Citrabes
Project Logistic: Dhani Agung Sedayu
Art Director - Kresna Dwitomo
Photography - Nara Pratama
Videography -Vee Creative, Erlangga Dimas
Music Scoring - Fahmi Mursyid
Cast: Putri Elgabi, Yori Arsalya
Director of Photography: Datu Aditya
Copywriter - Dian Anggraini
Costume Stylist - Guffy Perdana
Makeup Artist - Citrabes
Project Logistic: Dhani Agung Sedayu
The existence of Rakai Order has only been a myth.
But after the blood moon phenomenon, their activities surface rapidly.
Matoa Rakai Design Process
Courtesy of Brillian Mutaqin & Yori Araslya
Inspired by the lunar phase, it becomes the basic foundation of the design.
Every section of the moon is completed by the second head, which the full states.
The hand shaped in a moon worshipper when it comes to 12 sharp.
Graphic Moodboards
other projek
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Projek AGNI is a Branding Artisans based in Nusantara.