Branding, Graphic Design, Concept
Branding, Graphic Design, Concept
Projek AGNI proposed Harum Rasa Nusantara (Delightful Flavour of Nusantara) campaign to be an initiative between the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism of Foreign Tourism. The idea is to create a connection for the international audience of the Local Foods
We Collaborated with POT Branding House to create the images to amplify the tastiness of Indonesian street food through a Foodtruck concept the name of Harum Rasa Nusantara and Pesona Indonesia as the message in geographical context.
Projek AGNI berkolaborasi dengan Kementrian Pariwisata Indonesia bagian Promosi Luar Negri dengan mencanangkan gerakan Food Truck di London Britania Raya untuk memperkenalkan makanan asli Indonesia. Kami merancang identitas citra untuk Food Truck tersebut dengan nama kampanye Harum Rasa Nusantara dan Pesona Indonesia sebagai pesannya.
Projek AGNI berkolaborasi dengan Kementrian Pariwisata Indonesia bagian Promosi Luar Negri dengan mencanangkan gerakan Food Truck di London Britania Raya untuk memperkenalkan makanan asli Indonesia. Kami merancang identitas citra untuk Food Truck tersebut dengan nama kampanye Harum Rasa Nusantara dan Pesona Indonesia sebagai pesannya.
To serve the Indonesian cuisine experience as nations affinities act.
With ease and widespread reach.
To serve the Indonesian cuisine experience as nations affinities act.
With ease and widespread reach.
other projek
SoekirmanIdentity & Direction
Sarvani BhutaniGraphic & Illustration
Matoa RakaiGraphic, Set Design, Sound
MaraseIdentity & Illustration
Preanger Coffee UnionIdentity, Graphic Design
Nastari LivingGraphic Design
Kolektif MarketBranding
Soto SedariVisual Identity & Illustration
Senyum RestaurantVisual Identity, Print
Kamara Spa IndulgenceIdentity, Graphic Design
Hias Karya IndonesiaVisual Identity
Harum Rasa NusantaraIdentity & Illustration Pitch
Projek AGNI is a team of Branding Artisans based in Nusantara.
Projek AGNI is a Branding Artisans based in Nusantara.
Projek AGNI is a team of Branding Artisans based in Nusantara.