
Painting by lee man fong

Get in touch, ask about our services, raise questions, or let's challenge the monolith of antiquity.

If you are:

1. Brands that adapt sustainability and/or preserve heritage values in their business practice (free one-time consultation and special rates).

2. Global companies looking for consultation to validate and enhance the possibilities of Indonesian cultures beyond their antiquity and restrictions (see how we do it through #NeoIndonesiana).

3. Future generations from the archipelago and the globe seeking internships and mentoring programs.

4. Fellow artists that appreciate experiential research and creative explorations.

5. Collectives or non-profit organizations seeking partners to take up revolutions. 

Let's get in touch..

Projects that we strictly decline: unpaid pitches and government shady project procurements.

We are indonesian-based boutique branding artisans and strategists. We work locally and globally. Just reach us anytime, anywhere. 0.7893° S, 113.9213° E