The gate has been opened. The time has come.


And you are invited to be part of the sacred offerings. 



And you are invited to be part of the ancient offerings. 

In this A.P. (After><Photon) age in 2142. Many epochs were destroyed and re:constructed many Yirs ago. And now we have arrived in the realm where Mejiku power dwells in everyday rituals. What we know now perhaps already becomes the mystery of a forgotten relic here. 

You are an apprentice who travels to complete your rites of passage in the guild. Where will the Fate of Taqdir lead you? What will you discover along the path in this vast Alam

In this A.P. (After><Photon) age in 2142. Many epochs were destroyed and re:constructed many million Yirs ago. And now we have arrived in the realm where Majik power dwells in everyday rituals. What we know now perhaps becomes the mystery of a forgotten relics. 

You are an apprentice who travels to complete your rites of passage in the guild. Where will the Fate of Taqdir lead you? What will you discover along the path in this vast Alam?

Set in vast tropical lands that revived from the dead phase of the world called "The Great Barren Era." There is still a trace of the dryness of the dark past, and our adventure takes place in between the archipelago continents and provinces. You will find and befriend magical and mythical creatures roaming the world as your journey progresses. 

In this A.P. (After><Photon) age in 2142. Many epochs were destroyed and re:constructed many million Yirs ago. And now we have arrived in the realm where Majik power dwells in everyday rituals. What we know now perhaps becomes the mystery of a forgotten relics. 

You are an apprentice who travels to complete your rites of passage in the guild. Where will the Fate of Taqdir lead you? What will you discover along the path in this vast Alam?


Some islands are ruled by the council elders and institutions with expertise in:

Trade/Merchants (Pedagang), warriors/fighters (Pendekar), and Priests/Sages (Pendeta). Each tribe is unique with their own Mejiku (Ancestral Magic) and Mesin (Technologikal advances) usage and cultures. What could you possibly find in this mystic and exciting world?

In this A.P. (After><Photon) age in 2142. Many epochs were destroyed and re:constructed many million Yirs ago. And now we have arrived in the realm where Majik power dwells in everyday rituals. What we know now perhaps becomes the mystery of a forgotten relics. 

You are an apprentice who travels to complete your rites of passage in the guild. Where will the Fate of Taqdir lead you? What will you discover along the path in this vast Alam?

A World InscriptionArtboard 1
rangkong & komo

The main mission of this project is to introduce the co-existence of us (Human) with nature and living beings,let's live together in this magical world side-by-side with Alam and Nature. So in order to push this message, we invite you to join, participate, donate with every step necessary, be it commercial, social, or cultural collaboration; we are OPEN and believe we can protect our mother earth, Archipelago, through fantasy and imagination! 

The >A< World is a world-building project mainly created by Kresna Dwitomo (writer/author) and Aryo Damarseto (artist/illustrator) for now. A long overdue imagination since our childhood. Copyright of Hak Cipta UU No. 28 Tahun 2014

Kreasi Arta Dharma ©2025.

2A World Logo

Projek AGNI is a Design & Branding Artisans based in Nusantara.


Projek AGNI is a Branding Artisans based in Nusantara.

Projek AGNI is a team of Branding Artisans based in Nusantara.